Inspiring and motivating verses that all Christians should read are scattered throughout the book of Acts: “Many heard the Word;” “They spoke the Word with boldness;” “The Word of God increased;” “The Word of God grew and multiplied.” These verses prove that the disciples’ success in taking the Gospel to the world came because of their command of the Word. The Word of God that the disciples had memorized, plus the Words they had heard from the Saviour’s lips, had given these men a burning love for their Lord and they fought for Him with every energy of their lives.
Modern-day Christians can have the same success. The Word of God in the mind, with its converting, cleansing, Holy Spirit power seals hearts in love to the Lord. That power moves the disciple to speak the Word boldly, and many of them who hear the Word believe, even as it is reported in the book of Acts.
To accomplish the goal of being able to proclaim the Word, SEALING TOUCH has four books available for 12 years of age and above:
SEALING TOUCH Doctrinal Memory Cards
SEALING LOVE Life of Christ Memory Cards
SEALING FAITH Old Testament Memory Cards
SEALING PROMISES Daily Devotional Studies for Memorizing and Prayer
The books have 28 and 30 lessons each, which makes the studies an inspirational daily devotional book for individual use. Read the lesson daily that corresponds to the day of the month, and mark the special verses to memorize. Set a goal to learn one, two, or three verses a week. Choose the verses to memorize, and work on those verses daily, but each morning continue to read the study for the day.
The studies of each book make inspiring devotionals for programs, and provide a source for small group ministry and for prayer ministry. As adults gain victory in memorizing, they can do an effective ministry with children and young people to encourage them in this powerful practice–an activity that gives deeper love for the Lord and a stronger faith in His Word.